Choice #13: Moral
Happiness & High Self-esteem Choice #13 Moral Choice
I choose to obey all of God’s commandments and
love and honor each of His children.
Image source: Pinterest
When God created the earth, He created it according to natural and divine laws. The commandments of God are based on these laws and teach good, moral behavior. God knows what will bring happiness and fulfillment, or sorrow and confusion, into your life.
When you choose to obey His commandments, even though you might not understand why you should, you receive many spiritual and physical blessings. Confidence in yourself increases in direct proportion to your faith and trust in God.
Jesus taught his disciples that the first commandment was to love God. The second was to love your neighbor as yourself. When you learn to love God and yourself, you can then radiate love and charity to others. Obeying the commandments brings happiness and high self-esteem and gives you great power.
And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart . . .
this is the first commandment.
And the second is like, namely this,
Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
—Mark 12: 30-31
Happiness is the object and design of our existence;
and will be the end thereof, if we pursue the path that leads to it;
and this path is virtue, uprightness, faithfulness, holiness,
and keeping all the commandments of God.
― Joseph Smith, Jr.
Are You Willing to Jump In?
Some people question why we need commandments. I know I used to wonder if they were really necessary. In my headstrong way, I chose to walk toward the outward edge of keeping the commandments—not sure if I really wanted to be “all in” or not. After years of living life and gaining a lot of personal experiences, both good and bad, I finally saw that following God’s ways brought me immense peace and happiness. I now try my best to keep ALL the commandments of God because they work. Yes. They really work.
The analogy I saw in my life was that for years I had just been dipping my toes in the swimming pool water testing the temperature to see if I wanted to jump in our not. While the water felt pretty good, I was still hesitant to make the leap. When I finally convinced myself to have enough courage to just go ahead and jump in, I did it! The water was warm and wonderful, my swimming abilities quickly accelerated, and I felt refreshed and invigorated. I was “all in” once and for all! It continues to feel great!
In the following excerpt from an online article, there are three simple answers given for the question “Why does God give commandments?” I believe these answers bring understanding, hope, and a desire to learn and keep our Heavenly Father’s commandments.
Commandments Show God’s Love for You
You are a literal child of God. As your Heavenly Father, God loves you and wants you to find joy, success, and peace in this life. He also wants you to become like Him. He gives you commandments to help guide your choices and to help you find the happiness He desires for you.
Some people assert that the commandments are too restrictive or limit their freedom to act as they choose. But God’s commandments actually benefit those who keep them—they not only protect us from the unfortunate and sometimes even devastating consequences of sin, but they also can lead to greater success in life. Stories in the scriptures repeatedly confirm that people who keep the commandments prosper while those who do not suffer.
Commandments Are an Anchor
Life is filled with uncertainty, but God’s commandments act as an anchor—something unmovable to hold to as you make choices in life. You might think that making up your own rules sounds appealing, but you will find that you can accomplish more and experience greater joy by following the instructions given by your loving Heavenly Father. He knows your needs, He knows your path, He knows your eternal potential and the blessings that await you, and He knows how the commandments can help you in your life.
Commandments Are A Protection
Some commandments act as warning signs and, if heeded, will help you avoid pitfalls. God is a loving parent who desires to protect you from the dangers that He can see better than you can. By living His commandments, you are kept from dangerous environments and spared from destructive habits that could damage your body or spirit. When you avoid these dangers, you are better able to pursue happiness in your life.