Preventing Suicide: A Reason to Live
Because our son Jonathan died of suicide, I have always wanted to do what I could to help others find a reason to keep living. Please watch this excellent YouTube video called, “Suicide Prevention: Choose to Stay.”
Suicide is Not an Option
I want to encourage everyone who is reading this right now to make a commitment to not even think about committing suicide. Whenever the thought pops into your mind, immediately stop that thought and do something different. Get up, go outside, take a walk, call someone. Find something—anything—you can do to remove yourself from your current, depressive environment. Do everything it takes to get rid of the negative energy around you, which is bringing those suicidal thoughts into your mind.
Shortly after my son Jonathan committed suicide, the words to a simple little song started coming into my mind. I felt like it was a message from Jonathan trying to tell others to NOT do what he did when he took his own life. Please mediate seriously on the lyrics to this song. Truly, there is always a reason to live.
Trust in your Heavenly Father and Savior. When it’s really your time to pass on to the other side, then God will call you home. Through illness, accident, or sometimes simply falling asleep, people pass on to the other side naturally—the way it’s supposed to happen.
Until that time comes, you must believe that you have a divine purpose to accomplish on this earth. No matter what your circumstances are, there is someone out there who needs something that only you can uniquely give. Find out what your God-given gifts are and start sharing them today. You are special. You are needed by someone. Hold on to a resilient hope in the future and keep giving unselfishly of yourself day after day after day. Do the best you can with what Heavenly Father has given you. It is enough.
The True Meaning of Life
What is the true meaning of life?
It’s life.
Keep living.
Jonathan David Fales, 1974-2010
Song: A Reason to Live
On the other side, the Savior stands
His love is given with outstretched hands
Yes, you can feel Christ’s love today
His love for you never goes away . . .
There’s a reason to live!
. . . With faith in Christ who saves us all,
There’s a reason to live!
. . . Our dear Savior, He hears your call.
There’s a reason to smile—you’ve been loved all the while.
There’s a reason to live!
There’s a reason to live.
Sometimes you feel so all alone
Your pain is deep, and no one knows
How really bad you hurt inside
But Jesus Christ will be your guide . . .
There’s a reason to live!
. . . With faith in Christ who saves us all,
There’s a reason to live!
. . . Our dear Savior, He hears your call.
There’s a reason to smile—you’ve been loved all the while.
There’s a reason to live!
There’s a reason to live.
You are much more than you know
If you could look inside your soul
One day you will know…
Hold on to hope for one more day
With faith in Christ you’ll find a way
To solve the problems facing you
And learn to make your dreams come true . . .
There’s a reason to live!
. . . With faith in Christ who saves us all,
There’s a reason to live!
. . . Our dear Savior, He hears your call.
There’s a reason to smile—you’ve been loved all the while.
There’s a reason to live!
There’s a reason to live.
There’s a reason to live . . .
Jesus wants you to live . . .
Choose to live!
There’s a reason to live . . .