Free From Anxiety


I’ve had a lot of anxiety in my life. I remember repeatedly talking to my obstetrician each visit about all my concerns when I was pregnant with my third child. He was a good, kind, compassionate man, but this day he looked at me and sternly said, “Kristine, you need to stop worrying about all those things. Most likely none of that is going to happen!” 

That was my wake-up call. His words rang in my ears as I left his office, and I started applying that message to everything in my life. Whenever I started to worry about something, I would remember his words: “Most likely none of that is going to happen!”

Over the years, I learned that to be truly free from anxiety, I had to treat my “whole person” as a competent doctor or health care provider might do. This meant I had to have “remedies” for myself spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. This is what I found works for me:

  1. Spiritually. Remember your “PJS”—Prayer, Journal Writing, and Scripture Reading every day

  2. Physically. 20 min of aerobic exercise every day.

  3. Mentally. Listen to Mozart K448 every day.

  4. Emotionally. Read the 13 CHOICES out loud every day.

  5. Socially. Let go of the past and give everyone a “clean slate” every day.

Consistency is the key to being free from anxiety. Building a foundation of stability for your life will bring serenity. I don’t like too much routine, but having this little bit of structure every day allows me to flourish in all the many unstructured areas of life that I love to pursue. 


Remember your “PJS”—Prayer, Journal Writing, and Scripture Reading every day

There is a divine connection to a “Super Power” when you kneel and pray. Your Heavenly Father is real, and He loves you. As you write a few lines in your Journal, you put a concrete form on fleeting feelings, which brings peace. Scriptures contain special messages to you from your Heavenly Father. Open the Scriptures up and be refreshed.


20 Minutes of Aerobic Exercise every day.

You have to get your blood pumping to rid your body of toxins that cause stress. Start slow and just keep going. You don’t have to be fast to feel better, you only have to be consistent. Week by week, you will begin to feel your muscles getting stronger and your mind becoming much clearer. It’s quite amazing! Eventually you will begin looking forward to this daily routine!


Listen to Mozart K448 every day. 

It has been proven that the music from the first movement of Mozart K448 can actually stop seizures while they are happening in both children and adults who have epilepsy. When I learned this, the thought came to me that if this music can stop seizures, perhaps it also can prevent seizures. Then the thought came to me that since seizures come from the brain, perhaps listening to it every day can prevent and/or heal other disorders of the brain such as addictions and mental illnesses like depression and anxiety. I know it helps me! (I listen to it while I do my floor exercises every morning. It’s 8 minutes long!) You can listen to it on Spotify or other music channels. There is also a music video of it being played on colored piano keys, which is fascinating to watch.


Read the 13 CHOICES out loud every day. 

The 13 CHOICES for Happiness and High Self-esteem are positive affirmations that can guide your thinking and your behavior as you try to memorize them and internalize them. As I say in my blog post, 

As I read these choices, they became a part of my subconscious mind. Simply by reading them every day, I became more productive. The most surprising discovery was that I didn’t have to be perfect in any of these areas to gain high self-esteem. All I needed to do was desire to make these choices a part of my life and then do the best I could. My feelings about myself improved dramatically. Finally, I got it. Change happens gradually. Focus on correct principles, and let it happen.

There are many good reasons to read the 13 CHOICES out loud. This is an excerpt from an article by the GRADO company that explains some of the benefits:

Speaking affirmations out loud is an immensely powerful practice, more so than writing or reading affirmations to yourself. When you speak affirmations out loud, you disrupt any negative thinking habits as your brain is focused on what you are saying. This literally builds new routes in your brain to let go of a negative mindset and think positive, more fulfilling thoughts.

You can read my complete list of the 13 CHOICES at the end of this post.


Let go of the past and give everyone a “clean slate” every day.

When you hold on to past hurt, pain, anger, resentments, hate, and bitterness, you are chained to the past. Forever. You will never be truly happy or accomplish all your dreams if you allow the dead weight of the past to keep you prisoner. We cannot control what other people do to us, but if we want to take back control of our own lives, we must let go. 

To let go means to break the chains that are crippling you.

To let go means to bring real freedom to your heart and soul.

To let go means to breathe fresh air again and hear the birds sing.

To let go means to gaze into heaven and be ONE with the universe.

To let go means to forgive—as Christ forgives—100%—no holding back.

Let Go Of The Past

In my years of research, this is a summary of four practical steps to real forgiveness:

  1. FORGIVE YOURSELF. Examine your own life and acknowledge where you have made mistakes. Think of the things that you said that you shouldn’t have said. Think of the things you did that you shouldn’t have done. Think of the things you didn’t do but should have. Feel the pain; feel the regret; feel the pangs of guilt. Then STOP! Let it go. Truly forgive yourself.

  2. FORGIVE OTHERS. Think about all the people who have contributed to feelings of hurt, pain, anger, resentments, hate, or bitterness in your life. Now STOP thinking about these people and events. Yes. STOP. You can learn to control the thoughts that come into your mind. Think about each person who hurt you in the past, and sincerely say from your heart, “I forgive you.” And mean it. If these ugly memories pop up again and try to haunt you from time to time, you must emphatically repeat your mantra, “I forgive you. I forgive you. I forgive you.” In time, those chains will be broken forever, and you will find peace.

  3. ASK FOR FORGIVENESS. Whenever possible, go to each individual whom you know you have offended and ask them to forgive you. Make amends. Be brave. Show kindness. I heard this quote long ago, “Apologize when you’re wrong. Apologize when you’re not wrong.” Sometimes we may offend someone without intentionally doing it or even knowing about it at the time. If we can simply apologize, and not try to debate the issue, an inner strength will prevail that will bring us courage and comfort. 

  4. FORGIVE WITHIN BOUNDARIES. While you must forgive everyone who has hurt you—for your own emotional healing and mental well-being—you must keep yourself out of harm’s way. If you believe someone will hurt you again, you will need to permanently keep your distance. Within family relationships, remember that everyone is fragile and often unpredictable. There will always be the need to forgive and to ask for forgiveness on an ongoing basis. Be patient with each other and keep trying to clear up disagreements and misunderstandings as quickly as possible. Set your own personal boundaries for healthy relationships with family members as you let unconditional love be your guide.

Give Everyone A “Clean Slate”

A “clean slate” means everyone starts fresh each day—including yourself. Do not hold over grudges or regrets from the day before. Pray to be bold and courageous as you move forward with faith and cheerfulness today. You never know what will be happening—good or bad—by the end of the day. If someone offends you, deal with that specific problem to the best of your ability. DO NOT bring up everything from the past and throw it onto the heap of today’s issues with that person. As numberless wise authors, scholars, philosophers, theologians, and research scientists have said many times before, “The past is the past. Let it go.”

Five Remedies

I believe anxiety can sometimes be reduced and/or eliminated by using these five “remedies” each day. The act of being proactive spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially every day can transform your life. Using one of these “remedies” is good. Using all five is best!

  • Spiritually—PJS

  • Physically—Exercise

  • Mentally—Mozart 

  • Emotionally—13 CHOICES

  • Socially—“Clean Slate”

However, if these “remedies” alone do not cure your anxiety, I recommend you also see a doctor or health care provider and use anti-anxiety medication and receive counselling. Sometimes a person needs a combination of different resources to become free from anxiety.

In conclusion, here are the 13 CHOICES!

13 Choices for Happiness & High Self-Esteem

Spiritual: Self-serenity
I choose to worship my Father in Heaven every day and live a Christ-centered life.

Physical: Self-respect 
I choose to keep my body healthy and clean and avoid addictive substances at all times.

Mental: Self-discovery   
I choose to use my mind to create, explore the universe, and find my place in it.

I choose to share my feelings kindly and honestly with others and strive to be peaceful.

Social: Self-confidence 
I choose to look at all people as equals and never judge or compare others to myself.

Psychological: Self-integrity
I choose to accept full responsibility for all of my choices and never blame others.

Intellectual: Self-improvement
I choose to educate myself on a daily basis, so I’ll be useful to the betterment of society.

Organizational: Self-discipline
I choose to work within the time frame I’m given without being stressed or rushed.

Environmental: Self-control 
I choose to keep my surroundings clean and beautiful and live in a house of order.

Financial: Self-reliance 
I choose to enjoy my work, live frugally, and use my means to help other people. 

Recreational: Self-care 
I choose to only see and listen to those things that uplift and inspire the human mind.

Ancestral: Self-renewal
I choose to be the transitional figure in my family to free future generations from abuse.

Moral: Self-mastery 
I choose to obey all of God’s commandments and love and honor each of His children.


Kristine Litster Fales

My mission is to empower individuals, revitalize marriages, fortify families, and provide healing to those who suffer from addiction and mental illness through the mastery of choice.