God's Power: Alcoholics Anonymous Step #5
Admitted to God, ourselves, and another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
Image via Pinterest
When we make excuses for ourselves, rationalize our behavior, or blame our problems on other people or unfortunate circumstances, we remain like a puppet on a string being controlled by our emotions or other people’s behavior.
It is time to cut the strings. It is time to stop being a puppet. It is time to look at yourself honestly. It is time to admit your mistakes. It is time to apologize for your hurtful, sinful behavior towards others. It is time to get real.
It is time.
I’m Wrong
It’s awfully hard to admit
When I did something wrong
When I hurt someone and caused great pain
When I was weak instead of strong.
It’s awfully hard to admit
When I didn’t follow through
When I procrastinated one more time
When I didn’t do what I should do.
It’s awfully hard to admit
When I didn’t take the time to care
When I turned my head and looked away
When I refused a burden to bear.
It’s awfully hard to admit
When I was less than I could be
When I ignored the promptings from within
When I had no integrity.
But now I am most willing
To admit my wrong old ways
To face my God, to face myself,
To face my friends and say,
I’m sorry…I’m so sorry
For all the things I’ve done
I’m sorry…I’m so sorry.
I just wanted selfish fun.
I’m sorry…I’m so sorry.
I pushed you to the ground.
I’m sorry…I’m so sorry.
I know I let you down.
(An excerpt from God’s Power: Embracing the 12 Steps)