"Jesus Christ—God’s Transcendent Gift"
Image source: Pinterest
This is a beautiful message of hope and healing from President Russell M. Nelson, which he gave to the world the week before Thanksgiving. I have listened to it several times. I feel it will also be inspiring to everyone throughout this year’s Christmas season. I hope you will take a few minutes to listen to it!
On the first Sunday in December every year, all members of our church are invited, along with our family and friends, to watch a “Christmas Broadcast” that celebrates the prophesied birth of baby Jesus and his wondrous life. Through uplifting music and inspiring talks during this annual broadcast, we feel the peace and joy that comes from remembering and understanding the true meaning of Christmas. My husband and I have found it a wonderful way to begin each Christmas season!
A Christmas Invitation!
I would like to invite each of you to watch the Christmas Broadcast this year on December 6, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. Mountain Standard Time.
Four Gifts From Our Savior And Redeemer, Jesus Christ
This is an excerpt from a talk given by President Russell M. Nelson, which he gave during the Christmas Broadcast in 2018:
01. Love
First, He gave you and me an unlimited capacity to love. That includes the capacity to love the unlovable and those who not only do not love you but presently persecute and despitefully use you (Matthew 5:44–45).
02. Forgiveness
A second gift the Savior offers you is the ability to forgive. Through His infinite Atonement, you can forgive those who have hurt you and who may never accept responsibility for their cruelty to you.
03. Repentance
A third gift from the Savior is that of repentance. This gift is not always well understood. … True repentance is not an event. It is a never-ending privilege. It is fundamental to progression and having peace of mind, comfort, and joy.
04. Life Everlasting
A fourth gift from our Savior is actually a promise—a promise of life everlasting.
These four unique gifts will bring us more and more joy as we accept them. They were made possible because Jehovah condescended to come to earth as the baby Jesus. He was born of an immortal Father and a mortal mother. He was born in Bethlehem under the most humble of circumstances. His was the holy birth foreseen by prophets since the days of Adam. Jesus Christ is God’s transcendent gift—the gift of the Father to all of His children. That birth we joyfully celebrate each Christmas season.