Reflections on Marriage: M is for Music
I am a music lover. I love to listen to music. I write music, although I’m not a musician. I sing, although I’m not an accomplished vocalist. I have what I call a “lullaby voice.” I have been singing lullabies to babies since I was a little child.
I have a memory of my grandmother, Lillie Dalton Gillespie, always whistling while she cooked and cleaned in the kitchen. I formed the habit years ago of turning on music when I cleaned my own kitchen. Whenever I feel negative emotions in my home, I begin humming or singing a song with a positive, happy message. I also hum or sing when I feel happy!
Image source: Pinterest
I believe listening to beautiful music is the quickest way to feel the Spirit of the Lord in your home. We established the family tradition to always sing a hymn after having family prayer and scripture reading with our children each night. My husband and I still sing a hymn together before we go to sleep (except on the nights I’m too exhausted, and then he just sings to me!).
The first song I ever composed was at the request of my oldest daughter at the tender age of almost two years old. At bedtime one night, she looked at me with her big blue eyes and said, “Sing me a song about prayer.”
My mind went blank, and I said tiredly, “I don’t know one.”
She sweetly responded, “Then make one up.”
Having never composed a song before, I hoped for a little inspiration as I began making up a little tune and singing these words as they slowly came into my mind:
At night before I go to bed,
I like to pray to Heavenly Father.
And then when I wake up in the morning,
I like to pray again.
I love my Heavenly Father,
I like to pray to him.
He makes me very happy—*
So I like to pray to Him!
My young daughter was delighted with this song and insisted that I teach it to her. After singing it together a few times (with her correcting me when I would make a mistake), we both memorized it before she fell asleep. It became her favorite bedtime song!)
*My original words to the last two lines were, “To thank Him for my many blessings—I like to pray to Him!” But one of my granddaughters changed the words! On a video my daughter sent to me, my granddaughter sang the words, “He makes me very happy—So I like to pray to Him!” I loved those new words even better!
The lesson I learned from the experience of composing my first song is to always allow music to fill your heart and mind. You never know where a melody will lead you. Music will bond you to your children and will help ease the stress in marriage. I have a memory of my grandmother, Lillie Dalton Gillespie, always whistling while she cooked and cleaned in the kitchen. I formed the habit years ago of turning on music when I cleaned my kitchen. Whenever I feel negative emotions in my home, I begin humming or singing a song with a positive, happy message. I also hum or sing when I feel happy!
Bottom line: Let inspiring music fill your heart and home. It will definitely enrich your marriage!
M - Music
that is beautiful
and inspiring has
a soothing rhythm
that will invite
Heaven’s melodies into
your own home,
weave harmony into
your relationships, and
decrease dissonant chords
in your marriage.
. . . be filled with the Spirit;
Speaking to yourselves in psalms
and hymns and spiritual songs,
singing and making melody
in your heart to the Lord.
Ephesians 5: 18-19
Excerpt from ABC’s for a Happy Marriage: A Collection of Original Poetry and Biblical Scriptures