Reflections on Marriage: U is for Unity
in marriage blossoms
beautifully as you
come to know
Jesus Christ and
follow His example
while going through
the trials and
triumphs of life
together, as two
hearts become one.
Excerpt from ABC’s for a Happy Marriage:
A Collection of Original Poetry and Biblical Scriptures
by Kristine Litster Fales
Image source: Pinterest
Unity doesn’t come all at once, but it will come.
I am grateful for the unity that my husband David and I developed in our marriage over the years. Unity comes step by step through genuine respect for each other’s opinions, being patient enough to carefully look at your spouse’s point of view, and letting time go by as you ponder the importance of what you are discussing.
Always ask yourself, “Does this really even matter?” Remember, unity in marriage is what is most important and will bring you the greatest joy. “Be one.”
“Thus saith the Lord your God, even Jesus Christ…I say unto you, be one; and if ye are not one ye are not mine.” — Doctrine and Covenants 38: 1, 27
Helping Families Love Well
On Mark Merrill’s Blog, he explains unity in marriage this way:
Abraham Lincoln once said that a house divided against itself cannot stand, and if that is true for a nation, how much more so is it the reality of a marriage. Unity between a husband and wife is the anchor that steadies a couple in the storms and the fuel that sustains them for the long haul. … Agreeing that you’ll always strive to pursue unity means you will do the hard work it may take to get there. It is a commitment to honesty, openness, and good communication, which can all only be good for your marriage.
The Joy of Living the Great Plan of Happiness
Richard G. Scott explains that unity in marriage blesses not only the husband and wife but also their posterity:
Marriage allows [our] different characteristics to come together in oneness—in unity—to bless a husband and wife, their children and grandchildren. For the greatest happiness and productivity in life, both husband and wife are needed. Their efforts interlock and are complementary. Each has individual traits that best fit the role the Lord has defined for happiness as a man or woman. When used as the Lord intends, those capacities allow a married couple to think, act, and rejoice as one—to face challenges together and overcome them as one, to grow in love and understanding, and through temple ordinances to be bound together as one whole, eternally. That is the plan.
Unity doesn’t come all at once, but it will come. As you each make a commitment to study the scriptures and pray each day, your spiritual eyes will be open and you will find creative ways to unify your marriage. Sometimes, you will need to “agree to disagree” on a certain subject, and that’s okay, too! Let time go by. Not all issues need to be resolved right now. Be loving. Be kind. Be patient. Keep your eye on the goal of unity as you each progress in your individual lives. Marriage should always be a “win-win” relationship.