Easter Time—A New Relationship With Jesus Christ
Image soure: Pinterest
During the Easter season this year, I was thinking about the many stresses I had in my life at the time. I then felt the Savior’s words come into my mind, “Have you dropped your burdens at my feet?” I immediately thought of the song, “How Gentle God’s Commands.” In the 4th verse it says, “Come drop your burdens at his feet and bear a song away.” I knew I needed to make a change and rely on my Savior more to help me!
How gentle God’s commands!
How kind his precepts are!
Come, cast your burdens on the Lord
And trust his constant care.
Beneath his watchful eye,
His Saints securely dwell;
That hand which bears all nature up
Shall guard his children well.
Why should this anxious load
Press down your weary mind?
Haste to your Heav’nly Father’s throne
And sweet refreshment find.
His goodness stands approved,
Unchanged from day to day;
I’ll drop my burden at his feet
And bear a song away.
Text: Philip Doddridge, 1702–1751
Music: Hans Georg Nägeli, 1773–1836;
arr. by Lowell Mason, 1792–1872
I’m sure this beautiful hymn, which was written in the 1700’s, will always be as inspiring to us today as it was for the people who first listened to it and sang it so many years ago. God’s commands are gentle, and they encourage us to drop our burdens at the feet of our dear Savior.
On Easter Sunday this year, my husband David and I enjoyed watching 15 short videos that were made available by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I hope you will watch and enjoy them, too!
The first 14 videos are by our church’s Apostles, and you can click here to watch.
Click here to view the 15th video by our Prophet, President Russel M. Nelson!
Easter is a wonderful time of year to think and ponder on our dear Savior’s life as we continue trying to be like Him. I know He lives and loves each one of us!