God’s Power: Alcoholics Anonymous Step #7
Step 7—
Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
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What is humility? Do you know how to really be humble? Many years ago, the Lord taught me a lesson about humility. After meditating for a long time about what I was supposed to do concerning a certain situation and wondering if my family and friends would think I was being prideful if I made a certain decision, these words came into my mind, “You don’t understand humility. Humility means doing what the Lord wants you to do.” Suddenly I realized that what other people thought about my decisions in life was unimportant. What was important was doing what I knew God wanted me to do.
When it comes to humbly asking God to remove our “shortcomings” (meaning our many faults) through sincere prayer, we need to listen attentively for the answer.
Obviously, we cannot become perfect overnight, but we can have a daily “repentance” evaluation with ourselves at the end of each day. My mother once told me that when she went to bed at night, she would think about one thing she could do better the next day. Others may not see, nor appreciate, our desires for improvement. However, I know that as we take God’s hand, and ask for His help to leave the past behind, our shortcomings will gradually be replaced with new habits and spiritual power through our faith in God.
Be humble.
Do what the Lord wants you to do.
Remove my Shortcomings
Dear God
In true humility
I ask Thee now in prayer
To remove my many shortcomings
And keep me in Thy care.
Dear God
In true sincerity
I tell Thee I believe
In Thy eternal, matchless Power
And feel great peace in Thee.
Dear God
In true tranquility
Thou hast sent divine relief
With Thy quiet, soothing love
Which healed my pain and grief.
Dear God
In true dependency
I ask Thee now to fill
My mind with daily guidance
As I turn to Thee my will.
Dear God
In true humility
I ask Thee one more time
To remove my many shortcomings
And help me to be Thine.
(An excerpt from God’s Power—Embracing the 12 Steps)