Have You Heard Of Goodbye, Yesterday?
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I came across the book, Goodbye, Yesterday!: Activating the 12 Laws of Boundary-Defying Faith by Cindy Trimm, and it resonated with my soul. I’ve listened to it on Audible twice so far! I love studying the scriptures, and I was keenly interested in the way Cindy Trimm wove so many scriptural passages from the Bible into her book and taught how to put them into practice in our personal life, relationships, and career. Cindy is an outspoken, committed Christian who believes in the power of God and His son Jesus Christ to transform people’s lives. She teaches how to really let go of your past, say “goodbye to yesterday” once and for all, and feel renewed as you face the future with courage and perfect faith.
Your yesterday does not define your tomorrow.
Each of us is born with a seed of greatness, but in many of us, it never grows to maturity because we don't realize our full potential. We continue to live day-to-day based on the failures, defeatist attitude, and purposelessness of the past rather than acknowledging that we were created for more.
The secret to living a successful life, of making the most of your time on earth, includes harnessing the power of assignment. As you learn to let go of yesterday and embrace the freshness of God’s power and provision for each new day, embrace the power of your assignment.
I hope you will read this inspiring book! I know that God loves each one of us, and He wants us to become the best we can be. Nothing from our past—heartaches, disappointments, failures, depression, anxiety, addictions—can keep us chained to our past. As it says in the New Testament in Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me".