I Am “Good Inside” Just As I Am!
Image soure: Pinterest
At the recommendation from one of my sons, I listened to the Audible book, Good Inside: A Guide to Becoming the Parent You Want to Be by Becky Kennedy. My son knows that even though I am a grandmother AND a great-grandmother, I always like to learn new parenting skills that I can pass on to others. The most surprising thing about this book is that it’s NOT just a parenting book! “Dr. Becky,” as the author is affectionately called, is not just writing to help parents to look at their children with kindness, warmth, and love, she is teaching all of us adults to look at OURSELVES with kindness, warmth, and love!
This book erased many years of repeated self-criticism about my past mothering and grand mothering efforts. Not only do I now understand how “good inside” each of my children and grandchildren are, I also know how “good inside” I am! It’s a beautiful feeling—quite amazing really!
I hope you’ll read or listen to this book!
“I often think that parenting is really an exercise in our own development and growth; when we have kids, we are confronted with so many truths about ourselves, our childhoods, and our relationships with our families of origin. And while we can use this information to learn and unlearn, break cycles, and heal, we have to do this work while also caring for our kids, managing tantrums, getting by on limited sleep, and feeling depleted. That’s a lot.” ― Becky Kennedy
Over the past several years, Dr. Becky Kennedy—known to her followers as “Dr. Becky”—has been sparking a parenting revolution. Millions of parents, tired of following advice that either doesn’t work or simply doesn’t feel good, have embraced Dr. Becky’s empowering and effective approach, a model that prioritizes connecting with our kids over correcting them.