Heavenly Father Answers Prayers

Image source: Pinterest

Image source: Pinterest

I wrote this poem in 1976 when I was a young mother with three small children. I can still remember kneeling in prayer in my bedroom in my little home in Sepulveda, California as I poured out all my concerns and feelings of being overwhelmed with the responsibilities of marriage and motherhood.

As I ended my prayer, I felt a feeling of peace come over me. Words started flowing into my mind, so I quickly took a pen and wrote them all down. I knew my Heavenly Father was answering my prayer with these words of comfort:


 A Father Speaketh

I come unto you to tell you
of the things you need to know.

You are a choice spirit, mine own daughter,
whom I know so well and love so well.

You, I have sent here with a specific mission,
for a special purpose you have come.

Your work isn’t easy, but demanding and exhausting,
and often times you think you can’t go on.

But you need to go on—you must go on—
to help me and to save your own soul.

For Satan desires to destroy your soul,
but you can resist him if you will.

I can give you strength, and power, and conviction
to resist evil influences and become totally pure.

You need not be afraid that you will go astray,
for if you stay close to me you will never fall.

Love me, as I love you. Learn of me.
Listen to my voice, and I will lead you by the hand.

You can reach the heights of your eternal potential
by praying and studying and following me.

You are mine; I desire you to be with me.
I want to give you all that I have if you will only take it.

I love you.