Reflections on Marriage: I is for Integrity
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Integrity can be defined as “the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.” One of its synonyms is “trustworthiness”.
If you have not kept your commitments to marriage in the past, you can change. Through sincere prayer, humble repentance, and marriage counseling when necessary, you can learn to be a person of integrity. All commitments, big and small, need to be honored. Being where you say you will be, doing what you say you will do, and acting as you say you will act, are all part of keeping commitments. Complete integrity, honesty, morality, and trust with your spouse will bring an exultant happiness in both of your lives.
Happiness is a wonderful, never-ending byproduct of integrity.
has greater value
than any other
ingredient in marriage,
for a relationship
built on complete
honesty and virtue
will always grow
and flourish, and
your souls will
be at peace.
Excerpt from ABC’s for a Happy Marriage: A Collection of Original Poetry and Biblical Scriptures.
The following two excerpts explain why integrity and trust are so essential in marriage. For greater understanding, click on the links to read the full articles.
The Importance of Integrity
Simply put, integrity is doing what you say you will do.
Most relationships suffer because of a lack of integrity. We make commitments to ourselves and others, we break them, then make excuses to avoid taking responsibility.
There is a difference, however, between the couples who recover and thrive when these circumstances arise, and those who allow these situations erode and destroy their love.
Couples who turn to excuses for their lack of integrity quickly find the trust and passion they once shared eroding beneath their feet.
A lack of integrity eats away at every good thing that is necessary for building a happy, healthy, long-lasting relationship.
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by Nate Bagley
Is There Trust in Your Marriage?
Trust in a marriage partnership begins with trust in oneself. This leap of faith into marriage requires a high level of trust in ourselves. Marriage is an affirmation both of personal worth and of potential growth.
But trust in one’s spouse involves more than just an assurance that he or she is morally faithful. We must also have confidence in each other’s integrity, intelligence, abilities, and potential.
By meeting the challenges, facing the difficulties, and working things out together, we grow closer to becoming one.
As we learn of the Atonement of Jesus Christ and as our faith in the Savior increases, we experience the cleansing effects of repentance and the companionship of the Holy Ghost.
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by Christie H. Frandsen