I have always loved this talk about motherhood that was given by Julie Beck in 2007. It is entitled, “Mothers Who Know.” It gave me great confidence in myself as I continued raising my children. I hope you will enjoy this excerpt!
Read MoreAll of us who call ourselves “Christians,” have a sacred responsibility to follow in Jesus Christ’s footsteps and take upon ourselves His name. This not always easy to do. We wake up each morning with a desire to follow Him, but bad habits, over-busy lives, and a multitude of distractions get us off course by the end of the day. We often go to bed feeling discouraged with ourselves because we haven’t lived up to the righteous desires of our hearts.
Read MoreMany times, during Jonathan’s teenage and adult life, I didn’t know where he was living or if he were alive or dead. All I could do was keep fervently praying for him morning and night. I’ve always loved the scriptures, which reminded me of how much my Heavenly Father cared about my son. I knew the Good Shepherd, Jesus Christ, would not abandon Jonathan.
Read MoreAll people need a touch of friendship. It can be a smile, a hug, a text or email, or even a note or card. If the thought of someone comes into your mind, act upon the impression you receive to brighten that person’s day. I love the quote by Marjorie Pay Hinckley, “Never suppress a generous thought.”
Read MoreMy hope and prayer for each of us in 2020 is that we will all get back up whenever we fall down—literally or figuratively. If your New Year didn’t start out being very happy (as mine didn’t), don’t give up hope. As I always say to my family, “There are good things up ahead!”
Keep having faith. Keep trying. Keep doing the best you can for that particular day. Try something new or return to something old that worked well for you in the past. And always remember to be “gentle” with yourself.
Read MoreThroughout my life I have sought to understand how to receive and act upon personal revelation from the Lord. I used to be afraid that if I did pray and feel a spiritual impression that I should do something, I would feel embarrassed or unhappy after I did it. That has NEVER happened. Instead, I always feel joy.
Read MoreIf you have not kept your commitments to marriage in the past, you can change. Through sincere prayer, humble repentance, and marriage counselling when necessary, you can learn to be a person of integrity. All commitments, big and small, need to be honored. Being where you say you will be, doing what you say you will do, and acting as you say you will act, are all part of keeping commitments. Complete faithfulness to your spouse in body, mind, and spirit, will bring an exultant joy in your lives.
Read MoreMarriage is complex. Creating a happy marriage is a continual, day by day process. Every couple needs an anchor in marriage that never moves, is always consistent, and teaches true principles amidst the storms of life. I believe that anchor should be God.
Read MoreOur family is our most important treasure. Teach your children the religious doctrines and moral principles you believe in so they will have a clear vision of how to live their own lives, which they can pass on to their own children someday.
Read MoreWhen you choose to obey God’s commandments, even though you might not understand why you should, you receive many spiritual and physical blessings. Confidence in yourself increases in direct proportion to your faith and trust in God.
Read MoreThere is a new Christmas video, starring Kevin Sorbo, which exemplifies how sorrowing hearts can be healed and families reunited through the “silent night” of Christ-like love and forgiveness. May the Spirit guide us to do only that which is essential this year as we strive to bring Christ’s love into Christmas.
Read MoreI hope this Christmas season, and throughout this coming year, that we will find one person we can help each day. It might be a family member, it might be a friend, it might be a stranger on the street. We each must find someone in need and do a little something to help.
One, by one, by one.
Read MoreThere is no perfect marriage partner. Give each other a break! You’re all doing okay. Just keep repenting, apologizing, and picking up the pieces that fall by the wayside when you hurt each other’s feelings. Give the broken pieces to the Savior, and He will put them—and you—back together again. That is His divine calling. That is what the Atonement is all about. Let Christ be the One you turn to with your grief, pain, and sorrow.
Read MoreMy youngest daughter once used a very special rock as a visual aid for a Family Home Evening lesson that she taught to our family several years ago. On the rock, she wrote the word, “Covenant.” It’s kind of a heart-shaped rock, and to me it is quite symbolic, which is why I have kept it all these years. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of love. As we keep the covenants we have made to follow our Savior, our lives will be built on a firm foundation, like this rock, and we will be filled with His love.
Read MoreThere are a myriad of ways we lie to people, and hurt ourselves at the same time, such as intentionally deceiving someone, telling “white lies,” sharing part of the truth but not the whole truth, and staying silent when we know we should speak up and say something. After listening to this chapter, I decided I needed to become more intentionally honest in everything I do and say. I also decided to start being more courageous when I know in my heart that I need to say something to someone.
Read MoreThe ninety and nine were doing just fine but one sheep went quietly astray…
Read MoreWhen we are feeling weak, we need to lean on those who are strong. When we are strong, we need look around to see who might need our friendship and kindness to help them through the difficult times in their lives. We need each other.
Read MoreIf you want more happiness in your marriage, serve others more frequently and unselfishly. You will find true joy.
Read MoreLove beckoned…The decision waited…
Read More"The fruit of silence is PRAYER. The fruit of prayer is FAITH. The fruit of faith is LOVE. The fruit of love is SERVICE. The fruit of service is PEACE."
—Mother Teresa
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